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On my last post, I mentioned two travel moments that will stick in my mind from this trip in the last 48 hrs. The first was Making a Lei and the second was Attending a FREE Ukelele class.
I am a complete moron when it comes to playing instruments. I played the piano as a child, but not enough to be good at it and tried to learn the guitar a couple of times in my life with no luck. When it comes to carrying a rhythm I can dance, but ask me to strum chords or carry a tune and I will make your ears hurt… I am tone-deaf, I can’t tell the different between chords to save my life and for some reason my right hand can’t strum in both directions…BUT I am still blindly hopeful that I can change my musical shortcomings one day.
I am so hopeful that is borderline delirious. A couple of years ago, I bought an acoustic guitar thinking I would give it a go at Spanish Guitar by watching a few YouTube videos.
If you are not laughing yet, you might just be as hopeful as I am.
So moral of the story, I should just quit my pursuit of musicality to save myself from embarrassment and others from the worst sound they will ever hear…. BUT instead, I still try, because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music AND more likely, because I was born without the good judgement others seem to have when it comes to self-preservation.
That is where the free Ukelele class held at the Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki comes in. Once I heard about it, I showed up 40 mins early just to make sure I could participate. And what a treat that was!
For me, obviously! Who cares about anyone else?
I tell you, I think the Ukelele is the way to go! Four strings instead of six in the guitar, a few notes and child sized so that it can be taken anywhere with ease. I am lusting after one now, thinking one day I can play like Aidan James. Yeah, right! But that is how delirious I get sometimes.
The Ukelele class was amazing, the teacher blessed with not only amazing talent, but endless patience to deal with first-timers several times a week. I know it would drive me crazy if I knew what I was doing!
Here is a short video to show you how cool this Ukelele class was!
*There are two ladies that teach the class. Show up 30-40 mins in advance if you would like to attend. Ukeleles are provided and only 25 people can attend each class.
Happy Xploring!
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G. Maria
I am laughing! But I love that you will keep on trying. I’m absolutely sure you can teach yourself to play an instrument. (I’m learning the drums, je, je). Good for you!!
I’m glad you included a video – great to actually appreciate the sound. Beautiful 🙂
Mrs. GoodLifeXplorer
LOL! I am not so sure that I will be able, but hey, I will try. The drums are awesome, all that banging must be a stress reliever. =)