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This 8 Months Baby Update will be the shortest to date since the last one was so late and I wanted to make sure this one was posted closer to the actual date Roark turned 8 months.
This past month we went camping for the first time in our travel trailer and we purchased a child carrier specific for hiking. Roark preferred this carrier over the others we have used with him because it was more roomy and gave him enough space to stand up if he wanted and was comfortable enough to fall asleep in, which he did several times. The rain/sun shade that we also purchased for this trip came in handy as the sun was out in full force. Camping with a 8-month old in our travel trailer was actually pretty easy, we just went with the flow and kept a similar routine we have at home – one of the perks of having an actual bed, kitchen and bathroom available.
8 Months Baby Update
Baby R’s Stats
At Birth: 6lbs 12oz, 19.5 inches tall, size newborn clothes and diapers.
2 weeks old: 7 lbs 3oz and measured 20.25 inches tall, size 0-3 months clothes and size 1 diapers.
2 months old: 11 lbs 11oz and measured 22.75 Inches tall, size 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.
4 months old: 15 lbs 6 oz and measured 25.5 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
5 months old: 16 lbs 14 oz and measured 25.75 inches tall, size 9 months clothes and size 3 diapers.
6 months old: 17 lbs 10 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 3 diapers during the day and 4 at night.
7 months old: 18 lbs 8 oz, 27.5 inches tall, size 12 months clothes and size 4 diapers.
8 months old: 19 lbs 8 oz, 27.5 inches tall. size 18 months clothes and size 4 diapers.
* If you are wondering why I include clothes and diaper sizes is because when I was pregnant I had no idea what size clothes to buy and which size diapers to stock up. So by listing it here I can give you a glimpse into how fast babies grow and also remember what it is like if I ever have a second child.
I spoke too soon on last month’s update about Roark outgrowing his dairy/soy intolerance. He may be less intolerant, but he still has a reaction to it specially if I eat something with dairy a few days in a row, even if in small amounts. I don’t know if I mentioned before what is like for a baby to have a reaction from dairy/soy. It’s like they are in excruciating pain along with gas, hard stomach from bloating, diarrhea and diaper rash. Spitting up can also happen. I just absolute feel floored when I see him cry and fuss all day with no relief and know that it’s something I ate. Those days I wonder if I should just switch to formula.
I am also a little worried that Roark seems to be gaining weight, but seems to have not grown in height lately. I know he’s supposed to slow down, but shouldn’t he grow a little? His next pediatrician appointment is not until next month, so I will have to keep a closer eye on him this month.
Baby R screams and cries when we change his diapers. It’s the weirdest thing. He has never liked having his diapers changed since he was born, but around 4 months he had gotten used to it. Now it seems that he’s back at hating it. As soon as I lay him down, it starts. I’ve started distracting him with a small toy or book, and that seems to do the trick for now. He has also started to want to crawl mid diaper change so pretty soon I may have to start changing him on the ground.
We were experiencing a sleep regression last month and Baby R’s naps were thrown out of whack. He seems to be slowly getting back to taking 2-3 naps a day now and since I started putting him down on his pack and play with the TV on, he seems to stay asleep and get 40-90 solid minutes of rest. I have also in the past couple days upped his calorie intake before bed serving him oatmeal cereal right before his night routine in the hopes that he wouldn’t wake up as often during the night. It seems to be working (fingers crossed). He is back to waking up every 3 hours, which is still not ideal, but at least it’s far enough apart that I can get some rest as well. If he keeps doing well with the added food, I will work on dropping the nightly feedings.
Developmental – 8 months update
- Spends 80% of his time standing up on whatever he can get to
- Has “shuffled” around furniture – not far, just a couple steps
- Has learned to crawl underneath furniture
- Can take his shirt off
Post-partum update
A post coming soon!
Some Thoughts on Motherhood
Have I told you how much more I appreciate my mom since I became a mother myself? I know, everybody tells you that, but I always thought it was because I would have to pay for all the horrible things I put my mom through those rebellious teenager years. Ok, so maybe it lasted a lot longer than teenage hood. I was and still am as stubborn as a Rottweiler.
Some people say that it’s because after you have a kid, you understand how much your own mother loved you. Part of it is true, but I always knew my mom loved me deeply even when we would fight like cats and dogs.
So what has made me appreciate my mom a whole lot more? The fact that she took care of me and continues to take care of me while I take care of my little one. My mom spent a month at my house after I delivered Roark, making meals, getting things for me while I breastfed, cleaning my house… letting me only worry about taking care of Roark and healing. I wish everyone could have support and love like that. It is a stressful time of change and having other things to worry like making meals or cleaning the house just add to the stress. I credit my mom’s help and reassuring presence for not falling into the motherhood blues like so many women experience. I also credit her with being able to sleep at least one week of the month since then, when she visits, which keeps me sane and recharged.
I know I am very lucky that my mom can do that for me. I know it’s not everybody’s situation. I am just very thankful that she has been here for me, specially since she didn’t get to experience the same love and support from my grandmother who unfortunately passed away when I was 6 months old. What a horrible time it must have been for my mom. I never gave it much thought until now…
Thanks mom! I love you now more than ever and I am very blessed to have you in our lives! (Oh! And don’t cry too much…because I know you will…)
This is my motherhood tidbit for you this month. I hope you enjoyed this 8 months baby update. If you would like to see Roark, watch the video here.
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How can I not cry with such a declaration of love?
Love you more than you can imagine! LOve Baby R unconditionally!
I knew you would! Love you!